Six Best Energy Bars

Runners World |

Post-workout recovery

When you want a nutrient-rich recovery snack but don’t have time to seek out the perfect whole food, eat a carb-rich bar with moderate doses of protein and fibre (five to 10 grams of each for a bar with about 800kJ). “Post-run, these nutrients can help improve recovery and curb hunger,” says Gidus.

For the greatest recovery benefit, eat a bar within 20 minutes of your run. If your workout was particularly hard or long, follow that with a light meal of protein and whole-grain carbs, one to two hours later.

A good bar: Bar Hammer Bar’s Cashew Coconut Chocolate Chip packs 27 grams of carbs with five grams of protein and fibre ( Really tough runs call for the 24 grams of protein in Evox’s Synergy Protein Bar – it contains vitamin E, which helps repair muscles after long runs (

Pre- or mid-run boost

Mid- to long-run energy

Lunch replacement

Post-run immunity boost

Long-run pain reflief

Post-workout recovery

Pre- or mid-run boost

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