Six Best Energy Bars

Runners World |

Long-run pain reflief

When the 24th kilometre of your 35-K has your body begging for ibuprofen, reach for a jolt of caffeine instead. A study published in 2009 in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that it reduces exercise-related pain during workouts. Study participants who consumed caffeine prior to high-intensity cycling reported less quadricep pain than those who did not consume it. Researchers believe that caffeine blocks the brain’s receptors for adenosine, a chemical released in response to inflammation.

A good bar: Honest Raw Organic Chocolate comes with a big dose of caffeine. Eat two or three blocks per hour of running. Eating too much could keep you up all night. (

Pre- or mid-run boost

Mid- to long-run energy

Lunch replacement

Post-run immunity boost

Long-run pain reflief

Post-workout recovery

Pre- or mid-run boost

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