Six Best Energy Bars

Runners World |

Post-run immunity boost

The high mileage needed to train for a marathon or ultra makes you susceptible to colds and the flu. Good time to try an antioxidant-packed bar. “The more intense your exercise is, the more you need antioxidants to help you recover,” says Gidus. “There’s good research suggesting that selenium, vitamin E, and other antioxidants help protect the immune system.” Nuts and dried fruits are rich in these antioxidants; cherries in particular contain phytochemicals, which help protect against cancer and heart disease, and help reduce inflammation.

A good bar: After a run or as a snack, try Mule Bar Jimmy’s Choc Orange – it packs key immune-boosting antioxidants: vitamins A, C, and E, from orange and lemon peel. (

Pre- or mid-run boost

Mid- to long-run energy

Lunch replacement

Post-run immunity boost

Long-run pain reflief

Post-workout recovery

Pre- or mid-run boost

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