Six Best Energy Bars

Runners World |

Lunch replacement

If back-to-back meetings mean you’ll have to skip a sit-down meal, grab a high-kilojoule bar with extra fibre and protein. It should contain 1 400 to 2 000kJ, nine grams of protein or more, and high-fibre carbohydrates, such as seeds, whole oats, and dried fruit. You also want some healthy fat (from nuts, for example), which, says Christine Gerbstadt, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “helps you absorb vitamins more effectively and keeps you feeling satisfied.”

A good bar: Green Vibrance Meal Bars fill in as a lunchtime standby. They contain fibre, protein, and other run-fuelling nutrients, including 15 per cent of your Daily Value (DV) for iron, and nine per cent for potassium, to stave off muscle cramps. ( Available from health food stores.

Pre- or mid-run boost

Mid- to long-run energy

Lunch replacement

Post-run immunity boost

Long-run pain reflief

Post-workout recovery

Pre- or mid-run boost

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