5 Ways To Overcome Common Running Obstacles

Too tired, stressed or hungry to run? Here's how to get past everyday training roadblocks.

Beth Dreher |

Too tired, stressed or hungry to run? Here’s how to get past everyday training roadblocks. – By Beth Dreher

Image by People Images
Image by People Images

As much as you may love to run, there are still days when simply tying your shoes requires a marathon effort. Morning runners groan when the alarm buzzes; midday runners battle full inboxes and growling stomachs; evening runners are tired after a long day. And when you hit the road, you sometimes face the urge to walk a hill or turn back early.

“Hormonal and neurological shifts occur in our bodies, which can impact how we feel about exercise and how we feel while exercising,” says exercise physiologist Julia Moffitt. Luckily, you can outsmart these internal power struggles and reduce the temptation of hitting snooze, working through lunch or cutting a workout short. Here’s how to clear the roadblocks in your running day.

Morning hurdle: You’re sleepy

“The pre-dawn hours are challenging because body temperature and heart rate dip to their lowest points at this time,” says Moffitt. “In the presence of light, body temperature and heart rate increase, so it’s easier to be active.” The carbohydrates in your last meal play a role, too. If you ate fast-digesting carbs like rice, bread or sugary desserts, your glycogen levels will be depleted, making it even harder to muster the energy to get up.

Prepare for a morning run the night before. Eat slow-digesting carbs like broccoli, beans and lentils. Have a cup of coffee or tea after getting up. “Caffeine stimulates your arousal system and gets you ready to run,” says Moffitt. Shut-eye is important, too. Turn off the TV at least 30 minutes before you hit the sack and get blackout shades for your windows.

Midday hurdle: Work demands and hunger pangs

Melatonin production is at its lowest around noon, so physiologically that’s when you’re most alert, says Moffitt. That means you may be motivated to continue plugging away at your desk. Plus your blood sugar dips, which may make you too famished or weak to run.

Schedule your run like you would any other meeting, then record your time and distance to give you a sense of accomplishment.

Try splitting your lunch in two: eat half an hour before you run, then have the rest afterwards. If you’re still tempted to bow out, consider this: a 2006 study by Leeds Metropolitan University found that midday exercisers increased their productivity later in the day.

Late-day hurdle: You feel exhausted

Mental fatigue lowers dopamine, a brain chemical that makes you feel energised. Plus, blood sugar dips again between 5pm and 7pm.

Don’t confuse mental fatigue with physical fatigue. Short-term mental fatigue doesn’t impact the physical function. So it’s your mind – not your body – that craves downtime. And running is the perfect antidote. “Running elevates your nervous system, which increases your sense of alertness,” says Moffitt. Resist the urge to skip your run by packing your gear, changing at work and going directly to the gym or trail. Even better, join – or start – an after-work running group. Keep your energy up with a snack before your run.

Mid-run hurdle: You’re tempted to stop

On a run that’s longer than 90 minutes, it’s probably a fuel issue. “As you run out of carbohydrates, your body uses fat for energy, which takes longer and leads to a sluggish feeling until that fuel kicks in,” Moffitt says. Or it could all be in your head: “You may feel like you’ve done enough, and no one’s watching anyway,” says DeVries.

On runs longer than an hour, consume 100 to 200 calories every 30 to 60 minutes to replenish energy stores, says Nancy Clark, sports nutrition expert. Keeping a running log can also discourage you from taking shortcuts. You won’t want to write that you did eight kilometres instead of 10.

Post-run hurdle: You want to skip the cool-down

When you stop running, your blood pressure drops and blood pools in your legs, which may make you feel weary and lightheaded. You may feel ‘my work is done; I deserve to chill out now.

Slow your pace for the last kilometre of your run, and then walk for a few minutes before stopping. Because muscles are most pliable and inflammation is at its peak right after running, try to stretch and ice trouble spots after cooling down. Then, within half an hour of finishing, consume a carb-protein snack. Carbohydrates refill your glycogen stores, while protein repairs muscles. Record your post-run routine (stretching, icing, refuelling) in your log so you’ll consider it just as important as the run itself.

READ MORE ON: food health morning run tired training

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