3 Essential Foot Exercises That Strengthen Your Feet for Running
One of the most important factors for a better run is a set of healthy, happy feet.
Ask runners which muscles are the most important to strengthen for a more efficient stride, and they will most likely tick off a list that includes quads, glutes, hamstrings, or calves. While these powerful movers are important for building strength and speed, they shouldn’t get all the glory. One of the most overlooked factors for better running is the health of your feet.
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“Running is a high-impact exercise, and your feet are the first point of contact every time you hit the ground,” says Corinne Fitzgerald, head coach of Mile High Run Club in New York City and competitive runner. “Taking care of our feet is just as important as the big muscle groups that move us to run.”
When Fitzgerald talks about caring for our feet, she’s not talking about foot massages or pedicures, but rather strengthening exercises and mobility work.
“The feet are often overlooked when we talk about strength work,” she says. “When we run, we land on one foot at a time with anywhere from two to three times our body weight as distance runners. Working on foot strength will help improve your natural elasticity, and you will react quicker. Strengthening the muscles that stabilize the feet can also help us prevent our arches from caving in toward the ground or our ankles to roll outward.”
In other words, strong feet are stable feet, and stable feet are less likely to experience an unhealthy level of pronation or supination. Stability and mobility in our feet also play an important role in optimizing performance, and a lack of stability that starts in the foot can travel up the leg.
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“Having adequate foot strength and mobility to tolerate the demands of running is important for efficient running,” adds Christopher Herbs, P.T., D.P.T., C.S.C.S. “A lack of mobility—especially a lack of extension at the great toe or dorsiflexion at the ankle—could lead to compensations, particularly at the knee or hip.”
On the more extreme end of the spectrum, neglecting the strength and mobility of your feet could potentially play a roll in causing more painful injuries. “Common issues that can occur in people with weak feet are inflammation, plantar fasciitis, bunions, neuromas, and even stress fractures in the feet or shins,” Fitzgerald says.
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We’ve rounded up three key moves that specifically target the strength and mobility of your feet, the foundation of your run.
How to use this list: Perform each move below before and/or after every run or every day. The more you do them, the stronger your feet will become!
Each exercise is demonstrated by Fitzgerald herself so you can learn the proper form.
You just need a small ball such as a tennis ball, an Acumobility ball which is flat on one side, or a foot massage ball like the one in the left which has an ankle strap, making it easier to roll the foot over without the ball rolling away.
1. Bear Squat to Downward Dog Dynamic Stretch
How to do it: Kneel down on the floor with your toes curled under and sit back on your heels. Rock side to side on your curled toes to stretch the foot, stretching all aspects of the foot, calf muscles, and tendons. Then come forward onto all fours into a tabletop position while keeping your toes curled under, and press your hips up and back into a down-dog posture while you drive your heels into the ground. Hold for one to two seconds, then drop back down to your hands and knees and begin the sequence again. Repeat for 5 reps.
Why do it: “[This exercise is] a great activity to help facilitate ankle dorsiflexion and great toe extension, which is important for runners. We use this with some of our patients,” says Herbs.
This move is beneficial because it not only stretches out the arches of your feet, but it also helps lengthen the muscles and tendons in your calves, adds Fitzgerald. “These muscles and tendons help to move the foot and also play a role in how your foot hits the ground.”
2. Trigger Point Release for Feet
READ MORE ON: feet injury-prevention