A TRX Leg Workout to Boost Power, Stability and Coordination

This piece of equipment also fires up your core.

Monique Lebrun |

Training with a suspension system, like TRX, is great for providing extra stability and core challenge. Its ropes, straps, hoops and handles provide resistance that takes almost any exercise to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a total-body workout or exercises that fire up your abs, the TRX will guide you to strength. But have you ever considered using the TRX on leg day, specifically?

This TRX leg workout, designed by Yusuf Jeffers, a certified personal trainer and certified running coach, tests your balance, power, and coordination. And it will certainly provide a new challenge for your single-sided leg work.

The Benefits of a TRX Leg Workout for Runners
Training with a TRX can be simple yet challenging, even on leg day. It’s simple because you can perform moves you do in your typical leg workout (think lunges and squats), but the TRX tests your muscles in new ways.

“Suspension training increases the difficulty of exercises by introducing an element of instability that requires much more core engagement than normal. This helps improve balance, coordination, and power,” Jeffers tells Runner’s World. This means a TRX will force you to channel your core strength to maintain balance, especially while practising single-leg exercises like the ones listed in this workout.

Training with a TRX can be simple yet challenging, even on leg day.

Plus, practicing this TRX leg workout will help you on the road because the moves not only mimic the actions you make while running but also challenge you to increase your range of motion and gain single-sided strength that offsets imbalances, Jeffers says.

Keep in mind: You’re in control of the resistance with a TRX. This means you can adjust the angle of your body to create less or more resistance, based on your strength goals. Generally, Jeffers says, the further away your body is from the anchor point above you, the less resistance; the closer you move your feet towards the anchor point above, the more resistance you will feel.

How to use this list: Perform the exercises in the order listed below for 30 to 60 seconds each, with little to no rest in between each move. Practice unilateral exercises for 30 to 60 seconds on each side. Do 2 to 4 sets, resting for 2 to 3 minutes in between each set. You will need a TRX for this workout. Jeffers demonstrates each exercise in the video above so you can learn the proper form.

1. Reverse Lunge

Yusuf Jeffers

Why it works: This exercise is great for runners because it will require you to engage your core to maintain balance. Plus, Jeffers says, the movement closely mimics running form.

How to do it: Start by standing in front of TRX, facing away from it, with the left foot planted on the ground and the right foot placed in the handle of TRX. Bend left knee at a 90-degree angle. While keeping your right knee bent, extend your right leg behind you. The left thigh should be parallel to the ground and the right knee hovering just above the ground. Push through the left heel and bring the right knee forward. Repeat.

Trainer tip: Maintain an upright posture with your upper body as you drive tension down and back into the TRX.

2. Lateral Lunge

Yusuf Jeffers

Why it works: Jeffer says this exercise is great for improving knee and hip stability, because it focuses on strengthening adductors, abductors and quads.

How to do it: Stand with left side to the TRX, left heel planted firmly on the ground, right foot in TRX handle, toes facing forward, and arms by sides. Bend left knee while sending hips down and back. Keep right leg straight and chest up while clasping hands in front of the chest. Push through left foot to stand back up. Repeat.

Trainer tip: Always maintain tension on the straps when working through this move.

3. Pistol Squat

Yusuf Jeffers

Why it works: Not only will this move improve the range of motion of your single-leg squat, but it also builds strength in the quads, glutes and hamstrings of stabilising, Jeffers explains.

How to do it: Holding a TRX handle in each hand, stand facing the anchor point so there’s resistance in the straps. Place feet hip-width apart, toes pointed forward, and chest tall. Extend right leg straight out, several inches off the floor, foot flexed. Extend both arms in front of you, brace your core, and look straight ahead. Bend left knee while sending hips down and back and slowly lower body down to the ground, just like you would in a regular squat. The right leg and arms should stay extended and lifted the entire time. At the bottom of the movement, push through the left foot to slowly reverse the movement and stand back up. Repeat.

Trainer tip: Use a shorter length on the TRX straps and aim to use more of your legs than your upper body to overcome gravity and body weight resistance.

4. Squat Jump

Yusuf Jeffers

Why it works: Strengthen the muscles and tendons surrounding the lower-body joints, including the hips, knees, and ankles, says Jeffers.

How to do it: Holding a TRX handle in each hand, stand facing the anchor point so there’s resistance in the straps. Place feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly out, and chest tall. Send hips back and down, bending at knees to lower down as far as possible with chest lifted. Press through feet to explode up, jumping vertically in the air. Land softly and immediately send hips back down into a squat. Repeat.

Trainer tip: Focus on landing softly to maintain control.


READ MORE ON: strength

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