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TrailFun Missing a Medal (April)

Missing a medal and your OCD is going into overdrive?

Found out you missed an event and you want to catch up?

  • You can enter ANY past TrailFun Event.
  • Run it from home during your regular exercise time.
  • Get your missing Medal and a bottle of Wine.

For the last few months we have all missed out on far too much.  We want you to be rewarded for the hard work you are putting into being safe, healthy, happy and strong.

You started on this journey to form your best self.  We have a plan to keep you motivated, to keep you growing, to give you something to work towards!

TrailFun Virtual Events.

You want a full set of medals.  You want to sit, sipping on your wine, satisfied with all you have accomplished.

Enter here!


1st June 2023
12:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:


Trail Fun


At Your Home