Ultimate Core: The Mountain Climber Master Class

Strengthen your core and perfect your running form with this move that will have you breaking a sweat.


If, like many runners, you’re pressed for time but want a go-to strengthening move to add to your workouts or break up a day at your desk, we have the perfect one: mountain climbers.

Mountain climbers are a great choice for runners because they not only build strength and help improve running form, but they also provide low-impact cardio.

Plus, you can adjust this total-body exercise to fit your goals. Perform the move as quickly as possible to boost your heart rate and target your cardiovascular system. Or slow it down, and challenge your core stabilisation and hip flexion, which is how you zero in on proper running form, explains Kellie Williams, NASM-certified personal trainer.

Here’s the catch: Many people perform mountain climbers incorrectly, so knowing how to do a mountain climber properly is important before banging out some quick reps during your next workout.

How to Do a Mountain Climber Correctly

Perform the move slowly at first, then speed up as you perfect your form.

Improper form can cause unnecessary stress on the low back, make you feel unstable, or make the move ineffective. Common mountain climber form mistakes Williams sees include:

  • Failing to stack your shoulders directly over your wrists
  • Hyperextending your back and not keeping a tight core
  • Allowing hips (butt) to rise up instead of keeping core and back engaged
  • Kicking heels up rather than driving knees in toward chest
  • Just going ballistic: trying to bang out quick reps instead of focusing on form — mainly, core engagement

Expert Tips for Performing Mountain Climbers
Make sure your quads are engaged, your knees are off the ground, and toes are placed right under heels. Always start from a neutral spine position and make sure your butt is not up in the air, and also that your tailbone is not tucked too far forward.

“You don’t want your butt up or your low back bending in,” Williams says. “Both positions put you at risk for injury.”

Each time you pull your knee toward your chest, make sure the movement is controlled—maintaining a neutral spine. “Once you have that control and your movements are not bouncy or ballistic, you can speed up the movement,” Williams says. “Always make sure your knee comes in strong [toward your chest].”

What are the benefits of mountain climbers?
In addition to getting your heart rate up during workouts, mountain climbers help you work on core stabilisation and hip flexion, which is important for running. As you run, you need your core to keep you stable and upright as you drive your knees forward

— the mountain climber helps you master that movement.

“[The move is a] great way to engage your core, and train your body to maintain strong form in plank position, similar to the form you want when running,” Williams says.

Performing mountain climbers super slowly will give your workout more of a Pilates vibe, helping you really engage each muscle. Williams often has her clients alternate between 20 seconds of slow mountain climber intervals and 20 seconds of fast mountain climbers.

How often should you do mountain climbers?
You can add mountain climbers to any workout you’re doing, either as a way to end high-intensity interval training or as part of a core circuit, Williams says.

To end a high-energy set, Williams suggests a short circuit of jumping jacks, squats, inchworms, and mountain climbers. She says that any time you do mountain climbers to perform the move in short bursts, about 30 to 40 seconds at a time, taking a rest break between sets.

“Any longer than that and your shoulders will be just burnt out, and it will no longer be beneficial,” she says.

How do you make a mountain climber easier?

If you’re still working on your form, Williams suggests starting with a bird dog to build core strength and hip stability.

Bird Dog

Start on all fours with wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, toes tucked, and back flat. Extend right arm and left leg straight out until they’re parallel to floor. Maintain a flat back, level hips, and focus on pulling belly button toward spine. Return to all fours, then raise left arm and right leg. Continue alternating for 30-60 seconds.

What mountain climber variations make it more challenging?

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

Start in a high plank position, wrists under shoulders, core engaged so body forms a straight line from head to heels. Bring right knee in toward left elbow, then return to plank. Bring left knee in toward right elbow, then return to plank. Continue alternating for 30-40 seconds.

Mountain Climber With Exercise Ball

With an exercise ball in front of you, start in the plank position with elbows resting on top of the ball and core engaged so body forms a straight line from head to heels. Draw right knee in toward chest, then return to plank. Bring left knee in toward chest, then return to plank. Continue alternating for 30-40 seconds.

Plank Jack to Alternating Mountain Climber

Start in high plank position. Perform one plank jack by jumping both feet apart and back together—like a jumping jack on the floor (as shown). Next, bring left knee into chest (like one half of a mountain climber), then return to plank. Perform another plank jack, return to plank, then bring right knee into chest (like the other half of a mountain climber). Repeat for 30-40 seconds.

Start in high plank position. Jump both feet up to hands, lift hands and chest and pause in a low squat position. Then place hands back down, and jump feet back to plank. Repeat for 30-40 seconds.

READ MORE ON: core strength mountain climbers strength-training

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