The 3222 Adventure Dog Walk
The 3222 Adventure Dog Walk is a walk in Lesotho, covering 10km, 5km and 2km, from 1 - 3 March 2019.
Experience nature at an altitude of 3222m.
Format: Main Walk: Day One: 10km; Day Two: 5km; Mini Walk: Day One: 5km; Day Two: 2km
Includes a special picnic on day one and discounted summer activities for the family.
Pre-enter at
All dogs are to be checked and certified by Accuvet for border crossing. Proof to be supplied at least one week before the event.
For accommodation and packages, visit
The 3222 Adventure Dog Walk
The 3222 Adventure Dog Walk is a walk in Lesotho, covering 10km, 5km and 2km, from 1 - 3 March 2019.
PrintDate | 1-3 March 2019 |
Venue | AfriSki Resort - Lesotho |
Contact Details | Giselle | 083 264 3931 |
Entry Fees | Main Walk: R400; Mini Walk: R350 |