Check Your Form: Upper Back and Shoulders

Avoid injury by building strength and improving flexibility in problem areas.

Paul Hobrough |

Avoid injury by building strength and improving flexibility in problem areas. – By Paul Hobrough

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The issue: Tight shoulders and upper back

Sitting down for long periods lengthens the glutes and the mid-back, and tightens the hip flexors, hamstrings and pectorals. For runners this can lead to hamstring injuries and lower back pain. But it can also cause tension in the neck and shoulders, which brings its own problems.

How it affects your form

Tension across the neck and shoulders can lead to a kyphotic posture – a slightly rounded or hunched upper back. This curvature also encourages you to lean forward from the neck and tip your head down. To compensate, you lift your chin to 
look forward, without straightening your back 
– a ‘poking chin’ posture. This compresses your neck joints, which can lead to stiffness and pain. The position of your posture
is one of least resistance, so it will continue to worsen if you do not address this imbalance.

The test

Stand with your back against a wall and see if you can touch it with the backs of your knees, palms of your hands, lower back and head at the same time. Now step forward and try to retain this ‘wall’ posture for 30 seconds, before relaxing. Pay attention to the tightest areas or where you have to work the hardest to maintain the ‘wall’ posture. Note in particular how much your neck and shoulders move from the first position to your usual posture.

Recommended moves

Perform the exercises below to stretch tight areas and strengthen weak muscles in your upper back and neck. You will find good posture easier to maintain, which means you can run tall and get more oxygen into your lungs

1. Reverse fly on stability ball

Illustrations: Peter Liddiard.
Illustrations: Peter Liddiard.

This strengthens the upper back and neck flexors. Lie face down with the ball at your core, your legs straight and toes on the floor. Hold light dumbbells, with your arms hanging straight down. Raise your arms out to your sides, taking the dumbbells up to shoulder height. Do not lock your elbows. Slowly lower the dumbbells back
 to the starting position to perform one rep. Do 10 reps.

2. Doorway chest stretch

Illustrations: Peter Liddiard.
Illustrations: Peter Liddiard.

Stand in an open doorway and place your forearms against the sides of the frame, hands up and palms forward. Keep your elbows level with your shoulders. Step forward to feel a stretch in the chest. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat as needed during the day.

READ MORE ON: cross-training

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