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Shin Splints: All You Need To Know!

shin splints ankle pain

Image by Rob Ward

Shin splints – also known as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) – are the catch-all term for lower leg pain that occurs below your knee, either on the front outside part of your leg (anterior shin splints) or the inside of your leg (medial shin splints).

While they’re the bane of many athletes (like tennis players and dancers), shin splints often plague runners who do not build their mileage gradually enough, or who abruptly change their workout regimen – suddenly adding too much mileage, for example, or switching from running on flat surfaces to running on hills.

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But what exactly is a shin splint? There’s no end-all consensus among sports scientists, and theories have included small tears in the muscle that’s pulled off the bone, an inflammation of the periosteum – a thin sheath of tissue that wraps around the tibia, or shin bone – an inflammation of the muscle, or some combination of all of these. Regardless, the nature of shin splints most often can be captured in four words: too much, too soon.

Identifying Symptoms of Shin Splints

Shin pain doesn’t always mean you have shin splints. It might be a sign of some other problem. The following are two conditions that are sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as shin splints.

Pain on the anterior (outside) part of the lower leg may be what’s called compartment syndrome – a swelling of muscles within a closed compartment – which creates pressure. To diagnose this condition, special techniques are used to measure the amount of pressure. Sometimes surgical “decompression” is required. The symptoms of compartment syndrome include leg pain, unusual nerve sensations, and eventually muscle weakness.

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Pain in the lower leg could also be a stress fracture (an incomplete crack in the bone), which is a far more serious injury than shin splints. A bone scan is the definitive tool for diagnosing a stress fracture. However, there are clues you can look for that will signal whether or not you should get a bone scan.

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The pain of shin splints is usually more generalised than that of a stress fracture. Press your fingertips along your shin, and if you can find a definite spot of sharp pain, that’s more commonly a sign of a stress fracture. Additionally, stress fractures often feel better in the morning because the bone has rested all night; shin splints often feel worse in the morning because the soft tissue tightens overnight. Shin splints are also at their most painful when you flex your ankle or bring your toes toward your shin.

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Common Causes of Shin Splints

There can be a number of factors at work, such as over-pronation (a frequent cause of medial shin splints), inadequate stretching, worn shoes, or excessive stress placed on one leg or one hip from running on cambered roads or always running in the same direction on a track. Typically, one leg is involved, and it is almost always the runner’s dominant one. If you’re right-handed, you’re usually right-footed as well, and that’s the leg that’s likely to hurt.

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The most common site for shin splints is the medial area, which is the inside of your shin. Anterior shin splints, which are located toward the outside of your leg, usually result from an imbalance between your calf muscles and the muscles along the front of your leg, and often afflict beginners who either have not yet adjusted to the stresses of running or are not stretching enough.

Treating Shin Splints

Experts agree that when shin splints strike, you should stop running completely or decrease your training depending on the extent and duration of pain. Then, as a first step, ice your shin to reduce inflammation, says Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine physician. Here are some other treatments you can try:

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Preventing Shin Splints

There are numerous things you can do to lessen your chances of getting shin splints:

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