Beat That Injury: Plantar Fasciitis

How to fix the nasty affliction that is plantar fasciitis.

Beth Dreher |

How to fix the nasty affliction that is plantar fasciitis. – By Beth Dreher

Created by Chevanon -
Created by Chevanon –

Active Recovery:

Use over-the-counter orthotics in your shoes as you rebuild mileage. ‘Most athletes I’ve treated with plantar fasciitis have recovered more quickly with orthotics,’ says Reed Ferber, director of the Running Injury Clinic. Once the pain has subsided, remove the inserts. Use a foam roller before running to loosen calves and Achilles tendons. Roll the injured foot over a frozen water bottle for one minute four to six times a day to reduce swelling.

Relapse Prevention:

Do heel raises to strengthen the calf muscles that support the tissue on the bottom of the foot. Standing tall, rise up on your toes for two secs, then slowly lower. Work up to three sets of 20 reps four days a week. ‘Do this exercise after a run or workout,’ says Ferber.

Runners Beware:

Don’t walk around barefoot, which can further strain injured tissue, says Ferber. And throughout the day, opt for supportive shoes over flip-flops or high heels.

READ MORE ON: injury-prevention

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