RUN IT OFF: Marianda Geel Ran Off 120kg!

Because she was overweight, Marianda Geel was used to feeling ugly: the other children at school looked at her in disgust, and things were no different when she became an adult.

Lisa Abdellah |


Age: 49
Home Town: Cape Town
Height: 1.74m
Occupation: Nurse at a doctor’s practice
Time Required: 5 Years
Then: 208kg
Now: 88kg

The Wake-Up

I had convinced myself there were lots of reasons why I was overweight: among my excuses were depression, insulin resistance, and hormonal issues. The truth? I was an emotional eater who loved her food, and ate too much.

My husband won a cruise, which involved flying to Durban. Had I not been too big for the seat on the aeroplane, that would have been exciting news. And I had started working at a doctor’s practice. My new job included handing diet sheets to patients, and advising them on how to lose weight. But I was obese: who was I to lecture anyone about healthy eating?

RELATED: How To Get Started If You’ve Got More Than 25kg To Lose

The Shake-Up

I changed my habits: more protein and less sugar, a main meal at lunchtime, and smaller portion sizes. I underwent plastic surgery three times, in order to remove the excess skin. Once I’d lost 80kg, I started exercising. Then, a friend dared me to enter the Two Oceans Half.

RELATED: 14-Week Half-Marathon Training Programme

My biggest challenge was learning how to accept compliments and feel good about myself. I had become used to feeling ugly, because I had always been treated as though I was abnormal. At school, other children commented on my weight and looked at me in disgust.

But now I was slim, all I had to do was thank people when they told me how great I looked! Which made it easier to show others the real me.

The Reward

I trained for the Two Oceans Half all on my own – and holding my finisher’s medal against my heart was the ultimate reward. Running has taught me to set goals, and not to give up once I’ve started something, no matter what obstacles stand in my way. How many people have I inspired, simply by showing them that as long as you work hard, no dream is impossible?

Inspired by Marianda’s story? Join the club and start your weight-loss journey with the Run It Off Plan below. What are you waiting for?


READ MORE ON: lose-weight run it off weight loss

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