Lucky Miya Wins The 2017 SkyRun!

Mike Finch |

Neither heat, cold, wind nor snow deterred the South African trail legend over the weekend.

Lucky Miya storms to SkyRun victory. Image by Craig Kolesky.
Lucky Miya storms to SkyRun victory. Image by Craig Kolesky.

Snow storms and blizzards hit Lady Grey just days before the 2017 SkyRun; and on race day, participants experienced all four seasons in one day. It’s fair to say South African trail star Lucky Miya earned his win in the 100km event last weekend (his time: 12:58.38), achieving a personal best on the course by almost 40 minutes!

“SkyRun was my focus race for 2017 and I’m proud of my result,” says Miya. “This is only my second time participating in the race. It was quite an experience running through the snow – but what an incredible day out!”

Miya was followed by Nepalese runner Sange Sherpa in second place (his time: 13:56.20) and 2016 champion Christiaan Greyling in third place (his time: 14:33.59).

Sherpa says: “I ran a good race and enjoyed it. At the 65km mark my GPS died; but luckily I was given a spare, which enabled me to continue.”

Winner of the 2016 women’s race Nicolette Griffioen unfortunately had to pull out of the race due to health issues, which left the race open to a strong field of woman runners. Tracey Campbell took first place (her time: 19:26.58). Misty Weyers followed in second place (her time: 20:52.20), and Kate Swarbreck in third place (her time: 21:54.49).

Tracey Campbell wins the 2017 SkyRun 100km women's race. Image by Bruce Viaene.
Tracey Campbell wins the 2017 SkyRun 100km women’s race. Image by Bruce Viaene.

“I didn’t expect to win at all,” says Campbell. “I’m stoked! Though you could’ve called it ‘SnowRun’ – because the snow was hip-height – but I used the technical conditions to my advantage.”

“This year was one of our most beautiful and varied yet,” says race organiser Mike de Haast. “Athletes participating in the 100km event ran through heat, cold, wind and snow. The Mountain showed her strength, and none of the elites were able to break the sub-12:00 barrier. We had an incredible field this year, and it’s wonderful to see this iconic race continue to grow.”

AJ Calitz won the 65km SkyRun Lite (his time: 9:07.13). Calitz suffered a severe stroke last April, but he is making a good recovery and is slowly building his way back up to being one of trail running’s leaders. He was followed by Frenchman Cyril Cointre in second place (his time 9:11.10), and Brett van Coller in third place (his time: 10:30.51).

“To be honest, I didn’t feel that great when I started the race this morning; but as the day progressed, I began to feel stronger. I’m happy with my result,” says Calitz. “I’m glad I didn’t do the 100km event though, because I’m not ready for it, physically or mentally.”

Sofi Ackerman won the women’s race (her time: 12:44.16). She was followed by Do-Jo Jordaan in second place (her time: 12:54.50) and Elani van Zyl in third place (her time: 12:54.55).

Ackerman comments on her win: “I didn’t expect it at all.”

For more information about SkyRun, and to see the full results, visit

READ MORE ON: 100km 65km AJ Calitz Brett van Coller Christiaan Greyling Cyril Cointree Do-Jo Jordaan Elani van Zyl Kate Swarbreck Lady Grey Lucky Miya Misty Weyers Nicolette Griffioen Pure Adventures salomon Sange Sherpa skyrun Sofie Ackerman Tracey Campbell trail-running trail-running-race

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